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Regular member
One Regular Membership Per Institution
$ 150 00
*Open to Health Care professionals who are responsible for student health services in a California Community College and meet credential requirements compliant with Title V 53411 (unless a standing HSACCC member prior to 2006).
Associate member
No Membership Limit Per Institution
$ 50 00
*Open to health services professionals and other interested persons (substitutes, psychological counselors, consultants, student services administrators, part-time employees) per HSACCC Bylaws Article IIIB.
Community Partner
No Membership Limit Per Institution
$ 50 00
*Open to community partners who actively collaborate with HSACCC in furthering the purpose/goals of the organization. No institutional membership is required. Community Partner membership requires appointment and approval of the Board.
Emeritus/Honorary Member
No Membership Limit Per Institution
$ 00 00
*Emeritus: Granted by HSACCC upon individual’s retirement. Honorary Membership: honoring distinguished contribution to the aims of the organization. Appointed by Executive Committee and approved by membership.