This membership is manually granted by HSACCC administrators upon an individuals retirement. You are unable to register for this membership type. If you believe you should be granted this membership type please contact us.
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Emeritus Member
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What You'll be getting
Membership Benefits
The HSACCC List Serve
Have access to a mailing list that you can use to send & receive email blasts.
ACHA NCHA Consortium Data
Enjoy access to data that sheds light on students' habits, behaviors, and perceptions.
Annual Survey Data
Have access to helpful data related to health centers around California.
Director's Resource Manual
Have access to a large amount of information on how to run a Student Health Center.
HSACCC Mentorship Program
It's exactly how it sounds! We help mentor your health center.
Email Notifications for events
Never miss out on our events! We'll let you know via email.